Improving Healthcare IT One Leader at a Time
At Mediant Health Resources we understand improving healthcare IT is about more than just better technology, although don’t doubt we love our innovative technology! To improve healthcare you have to have strong, committed leaders to guide patients/customers, staff and organizations through the constantly evolving landscape.
Becoming that strong leader involves constantly striving to improve not only your technical skills but your leadership skills as well. That is why at Mediant we not only employ the best consultants who are subject matter specialists but we partner with organizations such as CHIME® to support healthcare IT CIOs in their quest to become better leaders.
We find building close relationships with trusted and valued colleagues produces the most productive projects and environments, while creating some amazing friends! Mediant sponsors the CHIME Healthcare CIO Boot Camps for that reason. CHIME is a partner who is committed to excellence and building better professionals while improving healthcare IT. The Boot Camps use an intimate, small group format to teach the real world skills healthcare IT leaders need through engaging activities from top faculty in the field.
Mediant values the Boot Camp experience and wants to make sure that those who want to improve their skills have the opportunity, which is why we have partnered with CHIME to make a scholarship available.
The CHIME Healthcare CIO Boot Camp Digital is an intensive education program offered by the College of Healthcare Information Management Executives (CHIME) and taught by a faculty of healthcare thought leaders.

Combining presentations, small group discussions, case studies and interactive problem solving, participants learn the real-world skills necessary to become a successful digital health leader. CHIME is committed to giving every attendee a meaningful executive level experience throughout the course to maximize participation. Attendance in the Digital CIO Boot Camp ranges from 15-25 participants as well as 4-6 faculty and CHIME team members.
The CHIME name and the Mark are the registered trademarks of The College for Healthcare Information Management Executives.